
About McLaren’s Age Reversing Wellness Center

At McLaren’s Age Reversing Wellness Center, we function within the ecclesiastical law, and our primary focus, as it pertains to well-being, is to help our members identify imbalances in their body systems, ranging from very mild to extreme cases. We do not diagnose or treat diseases, but we try to identify the root cause of their deepest health issues, so they can address it with the right protocol and lifestyle as per the Bible (Genesis 1:29-30). Sharing of information and education are strongly emphasized; as it is through these portals that anyone can be reminded that they have the tools in their homes and the efficiency or efficacy of their immune systems to detoxify and strengthen biology to self-repair.

Currently, Judith McLaren holds a PhD in Integrative Health and Orthomolecular Nutrition from Kingdom College of Natural Health, a religious college, and has a Pastoral License. In addition, Judith McLaren is a Certified Natural Health Practitioner, professionally trained in the areas of Microscopy (for determination of imbalances in the body), Biological Terrain, Flow Systems Auditing, Reconnective Healing, Kinesiology, Iridology, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Consulting Hypnosis, Bio-Magnetic Resonance, Bio-Magnetic Pairs, Biofeedback, Radiometry principles and as a Functional Medicine consultant, as outlined in Scriptures. Member: Pastoral Medical Association.

A woman in white lab coat and black necklace.

Scriptures on reference to health: Genesis 1:11; 9:3; 29-31;, Ezekiel 4:9; 47:12, 1Timothy 5:23, Psalm 51:7; 104:14-25, 147:3, Exodus 12:8; 15:26; 30:23; 30:34 Isaiah 38:21; 53:5, Proverbs 15:17; 17:22, 1 Corinthians 3:17; 10:31, Song of Solomon 2:5, 4:14, Luke 11:42 (Physician), Matthew 23:23, Jeremiah 17:14; 33:6, Leviticus 7:23-24, Numbers 11:7-9, Revelation 7:3; 22:1-2, James 5:14; 25-26.